Sunday, September 28, 2008

Christian Men Cry

Nothing long today, think I'm a bit dehydrated from the day before...

After watching Fireproof yesterday, I find it hard to believe that someone who is a Christian can not cry or at the least be very moved by the film. The rejection and declaration of "I do not love you" is an inadequate representation of our behavior towards God. And despite that he remains faithful. That alone should bring a Christian who has a slight grasp of his unworthiness/sinfulness to break out in tears. How can someone continue to love someone even though it continues to respect and reject him. Trying to grasp the greatness of God's love moved me to tears as I saw my sins and the blessings from him I ignore and complain about.

Its been a long while since I've cried like that. Out of joy and gratitude for His overflowing love or out of hate and disgust of my own sins.

Everyone should go watch this film, because of its clear presentation of the gospel it has the power to change your life. Bring friends with relationship problems and your unsaved friends.

Just my thoughts(they mean nothing much, just somethings I thought of... don't build a church on them) I've come to realize something... Before being saved I rarely cried. Now that I'm saved there are a lot of things that can make me cry. Might be because not crying is part of being cool and now that I now know being cool and being a Christian don't really work together. (Not saying you should make your decision based on emotions... Feelings are just that feelings.)